Shipping Policy

  • At Bezzie, we strive to ensure a seamless and satisfying shipping experience for our valued customers. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our shipping policy below.

  • Order Processing and Dispatch:

  • Processing Time: Orders are typically processed within 30-50 minutes from the time of purchase. Please note that this does not include weekends or holidays.
    Shipping Methods: We offer various shipping methods to accommodate your needs. During the checkout process, you can choose from standard, expedited, or express shipping options based on your preferences.

  • Non-refundable Items:

  • Certain items or services may be non-refundable, such as promotional or discounted purchases, or items explicitly marked as non-refundable at the time of purchase. Such exclusions will be communicated clearly before making a purchase.

  • Contact Us:

  • If you have any questions or need further assistance regarding our refund policy, please reach out to our customer relations team using the contact information provided below:
    WhatsApp: +91 9412123907

  • Please note that the final decision regarding refunds rests with our team, and exceptions to this policy may be made in extenuating circumstances.

  • We strive to ensure your satisfaction with Bezzie and appreciate your understanding of our shipping policy.

  • Thank you for using Bezzie!

  • The Bezzie Team